New York chapter of Professional Women in Construction present Developers Forum, hosted by New York Post's Lois Weiss
Thursday, July 30
Professional Women in Construction (PWC-NY) presents Developers Forum: Public & Private Sectors Propel Development Programs on Thursday, July 30, 8:00 am to 10:00 am, at the Yale Club, 50 Vanderbilt Avenue, NYC. Moderator is Lois Weiss, columnist, New York Post.
Speakers include: Joel Bergstein, president, Lincoln Equities; Peter Fine, president, Atlantic Development Group; Gregory Cuyjet, chief of small business, US Army Corps of Engineers; Kevin Bunker, P.E., director design & construction,region 2, US General Services Administration. Tickets: $70 PWC members; $85 nonmembers(advance reservation required - all tickets at door $90). Sponsorship $775 (includes tickets, ad). Ads available in program book. Call 212.486-7745; email [email protected]; website:
Wednesday, August 19
Professional Women in Construction (PWC-NY) presents Meet the Architects & Engineers on Wednesday, August 19, 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm, at Club 101, 101 Park Avenue, NYC. Honored guests are: R. Anthony Fieldman, AIA, Principal, Perkins & Will; Susan Kaplan, Sr. Associate & Director Specifications, Battery Park City Authority; John Bredehorst, P.E., Exec. V.P., WSP Flack & Kurtz; E, Bruce Barrett, P.E., V.P., NYCSCA. Tickets: $75 PWC members; $90 nonmembers (advance reservation required - all tickets at door $95). Exhibit tables: $395 PWC members; $495 nonmembers. Sponsorship $775 (includes table, tickets, ad). Ads available in program book. Call 212.486-7745; email [email protected]; website:
Monday, September 21
Professional Women in Construction (PWC-NY) will hold its Fall Golf Outing on Monday, September 21, all day, at the Elmwood Country Club, White Plains, NY. Golf package (includes cart, caddy, brunch through dinner): $395; Foursome + sign at hole: $1730; sign at hole only: $200; cocktails & dinner only: $150. Sponsorships and program ads available.Call 212.486-7745; email [email protected]; website:
Tuesday, November 17
Professional Women in Construction (PWC-NY) presents The Big Show. its annual Trade Show, on Tuesday, November 17, 9 am to 2 pm at The Guardian Building, 7 Hanover Sq.,15th Floor, NYC. Exhibit tables, sponsorships and program ads are available. Call 212.486-7745; email [email protected]; website: