Seeking cover photos, experts for BD+C 'Workplace Design' article
By Robert Cassidy, Editorial Director
We’d like to get input from your firm’s office design experts on the newest developments in workplace design. We’ll be looking at such topics as:
• Major new trends in office workplace design
• Case studies of interesting or unusual office fit-outs or renovations
• Innovative solutions to specific client demands or needs
• Other efforts property owners are making to keep their properties attractive and competitive (e.g., common spaces, elevators, restrooms, finishes, etc.)
• INNOVATIVE OFFICE DESIGN PRODUCTS (lighting, furniture, casework, flooring, etc.)
• Impact of employment downsizing on office design – how are clients coping?
• What geographical markets (cities) are strong?
• Any specific office building types that are doing well? MOBs? Low-rise? Suburban? Urban infill?
• What types of clients are providing work (e.g., law firms, financial, govt, etc.)?
• Marketing or presentation tools that have helped your firm get office design jobs
• Any other topics or areas of interest that we’ve missed here that your experts think worthy of exploration in the article
• Input from satisfied clients on how your work met their needs – and why
The article is being researched and written by Peter Fabris, BD+C Contributing Editor: Peter Fabris – [email protected] - 508-485-6278
Please email Peter (and copy me: [email protected]) the following:
• Names, titles, location (city/state), and contact info (email, phone) of your top office design expert/s (OK to include background info expert/s)
• PDFs, Documents of case studies, reports, white papers, etc.
• COVER PHOTO CANDIDATES: must be at least 9¾ x 10¾ at 300 dpi
• Other PHOTOS that illustrate case studies or other key points from your experts
• Other appropriate illustrative images (e.g., floor plans, diagrams, tables, charts)
And, yes, we’re on deadline, so please be in touch with Peter as soon as possible.
Thanks, and we look forward to working with you on this valuable editorial opportunity.
ROBERT CASSIDY, Editorial Director
Building Design+Construction
[email protected]
847-391-1040 direct
773-220-3555 mobile