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Gensler | Jun 30, 2016

10 ideas for tomorrow’s campus

Academic incubators that bridge school and the workplace are transforming design in higher education. Gensler's David Broz offers 10 ways colleges can modernize and shift away from traditional learning environments. 

sponsored | Dave Rutherford | Jun 29, 2016

Retrofit roofs instead of replacement

When faced with the need to replace a flat roof, many building owners find retrofitting a more viable investment, and so they erect a long-lasting, low-maintenance sloped metal roof.

Whitehorn Financial Group | Jun 28, 2016

5 easy ways architects can increase their profits

Whitehorn Financial Managing Principal Steve Whitehorn offers effective ways to recoup lost revenue, including a few strategies that capitalize on recent changes to the federal tax code.

sponsored | Jeff Alexander | Jun 28, 2016

Achieving greater building performance with color selections

With more than 20,000 colors to choose from, Valspar offers coatings that lower heating costs, lower cooling costs, and remain pristine in coastal settings.

CallisonRTKL | Jun 28, 2016

Green Breakthrough: The new invention behind sustainable temperature control

CallisonRTKL’s sustainable design expert Pablo La Roche shares Xylem, the latest innovation on creating thermal comfort.


David Barista | Jun 27, 2016

If ‘only the paranoid survive,’ what does it take to thrive?

“Sooner or later, something fundamental in your business world will change.” The late Andrew Grove (1936-2016), Co-founder of tech giant Intel Corp., lived by these words.

sponsored | Sasha Reed | Jun 23, 2016

Implementing Change: The Five Biggest Mistakes to Avoid

Two truths from the jobsite: 1) The best part about uncovering a problem is discovering its solution, and 2) The worst part about discovering the solution is implementing it. 

HDR | Jun 14, 2016

Let's not forget introverts when it comes to workplace design

Recent design trends favor extroverts who enjoy collaboration. HDR's Lynn Mignola says that designers need to accommodate introverts, people who recharge with solitude, as well.

sponsored | Jeff Alexander | Jun 13, 2016

Marilyn Monroe’ tower adds curves to the Toronto skyline

Made of glass, concrete, and steel, the 56-story tower has been dubbed the "Marilyn Monroe" because of its curving lines.

SmithGroup | Jun 13, 2016

The race to digitize the globe with 3D imagery

Tech firms are creating a highly-detailed virtual planet available instantly for those who would like to scrutinize it. SmithGroupJJR's Stephen Conschafter details the new technologies being used to map our world.

Perkins and Will | Jun 10, 2016

Buildings that invest in wellbeing see healthy returns

Healthy workers are more productive workers, but fitness can be tough when employees at the office for 50 hours a week. Perkins+Will's Janine Grossmann offers the wellness components that landlords and companies should prioritize.

SRG Partnership | Jun 9, 2016

Designing for interdisciplinary communication in university buildings

Bringing people together remains the main objective when designing academic projects. SRG Design Principal Kent Duffy encourages interaction and discovery with a variety of approaches. 

sponsored | Sasha Reed | Jun 9, 2016

With all these sharks in the water… (No Predictions Here...Part 2)

Rather than fighting to control the proliferation of apps, perhaps we should be training our eyes to look for signs of long-term viability among all the fins in the water

Gensler | Jun 7, 2016

Incorporating places to rejuvenate into office design

Workspaces are geared toward socializing and collaboration, but people need quiet, calm places where they can sit alone and focus. Gensler's Penny Lewis offers three ways to design rejuvenation places into office settings.