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Steven Burns | May 3, 2014

4 easy steps to being a great project manager

Managing a team of people, especially creative people, is a task that not everyone is up for. Keeping your team on the same page while maintaining a schedule and budget that can keep your corporation happy will take confidence and bountiful people skills. Here are some tips for effectively managing a project. SPONSORED CONTENT

David Barista | Apr 25, 2014

How the 'digital natives' will transform your Building Team

The newest generation to enter the workforce is like no other that has come before it. This cohort is the first to grow up with the Internet, mobile technologies, and an “always connected” lifestyle.

Bob Zabcik | Apr 25, 2014

A radiant barrier FAQ: Everything you wanted to know but were afraid to ask

There are many examples of materials developed for the space program making their way into everyday life and radiant barriers are just that. SPONSORED CONTENT

Bill O'Keeffe | Apr 25, 2014

Recent NFPA 80 updates clarify fire rated applications

Code confusion has led to misapplications of fire rated glass and framing, which can have dangerous and/or expensive results. Two recent NFPA 80 revisions help clarify the confusion. SPONSORED CONTENT

Stacy Milford | Apr 17, 2014

6 details that can throw off your schedule

In 1997, Apple told us to “Think Different.” So we did. We thought about what could happen if the world went mobile, if information was boundless, if we could carry our office in our back pocket. We’ve grown to love different and to expect change. And when it comes to Apple products, that’s not such a bad thing. When it comes to your building order, however, it’s not nearly as appealing.

sponsored | Sasha Reed | Apr 17, 2014

Technology enables state transportation agency to make the leap to digital design review

Earlier this month, my colleague and I presented a session to a group of civil engineers and transportation agencies about the tech trends in the AEC space. Along with advice on how to prepare your plan for controlled collaboration, we also talked through some practical use cases. One such use case was especially interesting, as it outlined a challenge not unfamiliar to government agencies who are contemplating the leap from paper to digital processes: how to securely migrate workflows. 

sponsored | Steven Burns | Apr 15, 2014

Value billing and differentiation

Regardless of the fee you charge, clients and prospects decide the value of your professional services based on their experience with your firm. 

Skanska | Apr 9, 2014

How patient-centered medical homes can help healthcare providers and patients

Beyond reducing the number of uninsured Americans, the Affordable Care Act is driving new types of healthcare facilities, especially patient-centered medical homes.

Bill O'Keeffe | Apr 8, 2014

Fire resistive curtain wall helps The Kensington meet property line requirements

The majority of fire rated glazing applications occur inside a building to allow occupants to exit the building safely or provide an area of refuge during a fire. But what happens when the threat of fire comes from the outside? This was the case for The Kensington, a mixed-use residential building in Boston.

Jeff Koos | Apr 8, 2014

Reflecting on job number 61-001

Job number 61-001 changed everything. It was sold in 1961, a year of change for the nation and for Star. By January, John F. Kennedy would be president. By the end of the year, Star would launch a historic shift in our product and our distribution, a shift still active today.

Steven Burns | Apr 8, 2014

Understanding value billing vs. conventional billing

Every company is a sum of the value it delivers to its clients. What differs from one company to the next is how that value is delivered and perceived. All too often, it is based solely on the fee you charge.

Sasha Reed | Apr 3, 2014

Security, accountability, and cloud access: Can you really have it all?

I’ve heard countless stories of conversations between project engineers and IT professionals who can’t come to an agreement on the level of security needed to protect their data while making it more accessible—not only externally, but also internally. 

Bill O'Keeffe | Apr 1, 2014

The risks of mismatched fire-rated assemblies

Mismatched fire-rated glass and framing happens more often than you think. Failing to confirm that the tested and listed performance capabilities of the framing system match those of the glazing can create a financial nightmare for the entire building team. 

Bryan Arlington | Mar 31, 2014

Tips for creating a competitive bid using codes and loads

Landing a project feels like winning a prize, sort of like finding that forgotten $20 bill in the pocket of a pair of jeans you haven’t worn in a while. But living on the “chance” of winning a job isn’t a great way to pay your electric bill. So, how do you swing the chances in your favor?