

Behind all great architecture and engineering work there needs to be an efficient, effective business operation in place. In his Business Behind Design blog, Steven Burns, FAIA, Chief Creative Officer for BQE Software—the company behind Core—and long-time managing director of an architectural practice, offers valuable advice about running a design firm. Topics include project management tips, financial best practices, marketing how-tos, plus advice for maximizing meetings, business software, recruitment and retention, and strategic planning. For more on BQE Software, visit: www.bqe.com.

Steven Burns | Dec 18, 2013

How small architectural firms can make big money

What separates the great-but-struggling designers from the great-successful ones isn't luck. If you're as good an architect as you think, it will take more than your awesome design skills to become successful. Learn how to manage your firm’s finances and go from floundering to flourishing.

Steven Burns | Dec 16, 2013

Why employees don’t trust their leaders

Trust, one of the key elements to productive business relationships, is in short supply these days. An Associated Press-GfK poll discovered that only one-third of Americans say most people can be trusted and nearly two-thirds says “you can’t be too careful” in dealing with people.
Steven Burns | Dec 9, 2013

Does technology help or hinder innovation?

Whether digital technology will help or hinder workplace insights remains a topic of ongoing debate. FastCo.Design features insights from business scholars on both sides of the issue.

Steven Burns | Dec 5, 2013

Maximizing the impact of online marketing

Because most professional services firms exist to help their clients reduce risk and navigate an uncertain future, they tend to approach the world of online or digital marketing with some caution. Here are four tips for maximizing the impact of online marketing.
Steven Burns | Nov 26, 2013

7 ways to make your firm more successful

Like all professional services businesses, AEC firms are challenged to effectively manage people. And even though people can be rather unpredictable, a firm’s success doesn’t have to be. Here are seven ways to make your firm more successful in the face of market variability and uncertainty.

Steven Burns | Nov 18, 2013

How do construction professionals use social media?

LinkedIn is the social network used by most construction professionals, according to the results of a newly released national survey conducted by the Construction Marketing Association. 

Steven Burns | Nov 17, 2013

How to spend your first 15 minutes with a prospect

Every business development person has been there. You’ve finally earned a few minutes to impress a prospect that you’ve been pursuing. This is your opportunity to shine. What do you say?

Steven Burns | Oct 16, 2013

5 secrets of successful entrepreneurs

If you’re on the outside looking in, successful entrepreneurship may seem mysterious. But it isn’t. Here are five patterns of behavior that are common to successful entrepreneurs.

Steven Burns | Oct 7, 2013

How to streamline your operations

The average U.S. office worker generates two pounds of paper each day, according to the EPA. Ninety percent of that trash is made up of printed materials: marketing reports, project drafts, copy machine mistakes, and unwanted mail. Here are a few ways AEC firms can streamline their management processes.

Steven Burns | Sep 26, 2013

Leading in the face of change

As AEC firms navigate toward an uncertain future, the most effective leaders are those who eagerly adapt to change. Here are three attitudes that drive leaders who are of most value to their firms.
