
Codes and regulations

Guide to AIA Contract Documents for Small Projects

Download Guide to AIA Contract Documents for Small Projects: Resources for Small Project Practitioners, including Small Firms, Sole Practitioners and…

Campus Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: AIA Contract Documents
Codes and regulations

D503, Guide for Sustainable Projects

The updated Guide for Sustainable Projects includes:                                An example Sustainability Plan and how it can serve as a model…

Campus Sponsor - PROVIDED BY: AIA Contract Documents

AIA Contract Documents Campus

AIA Contract Documents are the nearly 200 forms and contracts that define the relationships and terms involved in design and construction projects. AIA contracts and forms are now recognized as industry standard documents for architects, contractors, engineers, attorneys, owners and all other parties involved in a construction project.

Please contact education@contractdocs.com with your AIA member number and AIA Contract Documents course name to receive continuing education credit.

AIA Contract Documents