Codes and Standards

Obsolete safety standards may have been used in cleanup of former naval shipyard

Nov. 14, 2018

The cleanup of the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard, a large site slated for a major redevelopment project in San Francisco, has been rocked by scandal, according to a report by the San Francisco Chronicle.

The project has allegedly been plagued by faked soil samples, falsified documents, two criminal convictions, and three federal lawsuits. The Navy’s effort to remove radioactive contamination from the site has relied on “decades-old, obsolete safety standards in order to avoid cleaning up dangerous substances,” the Chronicle reported.

That strategy lowers the Navy’s costs, but would increase the risk of people living or working on the site getting cancer. The500-acre Superfund site is one of the most contaminated places in the country.

A scientist working for a private watchdog group said that no one knows what is actually in the ground, even after decades of study and cleanup work.

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