Online technical training sessions on tankless water heaters and boilers
Plumbing contractors, general contractors, and plumbers whose businesses and services have closed by the COVID-19 pandemic can receive online technical training in the use of tankless water heaters and boilers.
Navien, a manufacturer of water-heating equipment for residential and commercial construction projects, is offering live and on-demand digital trainings via webinar.
Live trainings are real-time virtual training sessions hosted by one of the Navien product trainers. Plumbing and construction professionals can view the training as it is presented, ask questions of the presenter, and receive real time feedback.
Prerecorded on-demand webinars may be viewed at the attendee's convenience. Contact information for the presenter will be provided so that attendees can ask questions via email.
Training sessions covering the technical aspects of condensing tankless water heaters, non-condensing tankless water heaters, fire tube boilers, and fire tube boilers combi-boilers are available live or on demand.
To register, go to: https://training.navieninc.