Glendale Water & Power (GWP) will start one if its largest utility projects, replacing all electrical and water meters in Glendale with new Smart Meters. The first phase of installations will take place on April 8th. Glendale Water & Power has designated four areas throughout the City to test out the installation plan of the new Smart Meters.
With Phase 1, GWP plans on replacing approximately 1,000 electric and 500 water meters. After the first phase is completed and tested, GWP will move to start installation of Smart Meters throughout the City in fall 2010 with completion by fall 2011. Once the project is completed, 120,000 electric and water meters with advanced technology will allow for two-way communication with the utility, and for the first time provide customers with real time usage data to help them conserve energy and water. Glendale Water & Power has contracted with Utility Partners of America to install the meters.
Glendale Water & Power was the first utility in the nation to execute a contract with the Department of Energy for an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Smart Grid grant in the amount of $20M. The receipt of this grant provides a significant portion of the $70M cost of the City-wide Smart Grid project.
"Glendale Water & Power is keyed up to start the installations of our new Smart Meters. We are excited to get these meters out there and reap the benefits of this new technology. It will greatly improve our services, help us develop smarter rate structures for our customers, and help our customers conserve energy and water," state Glenn Steiger, GWP General Manager.
Customers in the designated areas have received notification of their installations. Prior to receiving notifications, GWP also held two community informative meetings to educate customers on the benefits of Smart Meters. More meetings will be scheduled after phase 1 is completed. Updates of the ongoing Smart Metering project will be available on the utility's website and GWP will continue to send out bi-monthly updates to customers via its From the Source newsletter.