WoodWorks, an educational initiative of the Wood Products Council, will hold their next annual Wood Solutions Fair in Chicago at the UIC Forum on October 29, 2009. The all-day event is a free, multi-faceted educational event for anyone who is considering using wood in non-residential buildings. Interested individuals will include:
• Architects
• Engineers – Structural and Civil
• Builders
• Building Designers
• Building Officials
• Construction Technologists
• Specifiers
• Students
• Professors
The Wood Solutions Fair will feature seminars on topics such as safety and durability, code issues and green building. Attendees will also have access to wood design experts for additional information or one-on-one support. The fair will provide in-depth and practical information that can be applied to projects immediately.
WoodWorks is an approved AIA provider. Eligible attendees will qualify for a maximum of six HSW credits (one per attended seminar). Professional Development Certificates and AIA CES forms will be available on site.
For more information, visit http://www.woodworks.org/educationTraining/northcentral/newsEvents10290902.