Researchers devise adaptive roof tile concept that adjusts to ambient temperatures
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
Scientists at the University of California Santa Barbara published a paper that proposes adaptive roof tile technology that can adjust to ambient temperatures.
Using a wax motor, tiles could switch from a heating or cooling state enabling savings on heating and cooling costs. The motor switches between cooling and heating states within 3 degrees Celsius of the switch temperature.
The concept could reduce cooling and heating needs by more than 2.5 times, the paper says. The volume of wax changes as the ambient temperature changes, creating pressure that moves mechanical parts. The motor could push or retract pistons that close or open louvers on the tile’s surface.
When there are cooler temperatures, the wax is solid and louvers are closed and lay flat, exposing a surface that absorbs sunlight and minimizes heat dissipation. As temperatures reach about 64.5 degrees Fahrenheit, the wax begins to melt and expand. This action pushes open louvers and exposes a surface that reflects sunlight and emits trapped heat.