Millennials’ views on sustainability could influence the workplace
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
Millennials’ strong views on sustainability could influence the design of workplaces and business practices.
Nine out of ten Millennials (ages 18-34) say it is important that they work for a sustainable company, according to the study “Recycling in the Workplace: A Millennial View,” conducted by Lightspeed for Rubbermaid Commercial Products. This generation is even more strongly committed to sustainability than Gen Xers (age 35-49), and Baby Boomers (age 50-64). Some 84% of the former, and 77% of the latter, by comparison, say that it is important to work for a sustainable company.
Roughly 82% of Millennials look for opportunities to help their company become more sustainable; and 67% believe that they have enough influence in their workplace to make an impact on sustainability.
More than 80% of Millennials whose employer does not have a recycling system believe employers have a responsibility to encourage recycling in the workplace. About 77% of Millennials say they recycle at work, but 83% say they recycle at home. This could mean that recycling at work is more challenging.
As Millennials become the dominant generation in the workplace, their influence on sustainability at work is likely to grow.