USGBC Working Group approves new guidance for LEED Materials & Resources Credit 4
By Peter Fabris, Contributing Editor
The U.S. Green Building Council released the results of its Supply Chain Optimization Working Group. The group that was chartered to develop implementation procedures within option 3 of the LEED v4 Materials & Resources credit (Building Disclosure and Optimization - Material Ingredients).
The group has recommended significant implementation actions to supplement option 3, intended to provide building product manufacturers with a step-by-step process for meeting its requirements. The working group also created a framework for a field test of the guidance with building product manufacturers. Product manufacturers interested in testing the new option 3 guidance are encouraged to register now.
The working group has outlined minimum steps for product manufacturers that enable them to offer insight and transparency into their processes:
- Publicize guiding principles that include commitments to continual improvement, sharing of information, green chemistry, and green engineering.
- Implement an ISO-14001-type environmental management system, with added elements for human health and safety that addresses all significant environmental and health impacts of their operations.
- Ensure that any direct suppliers of hazardous ingredients have corresponding environmental and health and safety management systems.
There are added incentives for companies that go above and beyond the minimum in situations where, for example, they apply the processes to their entire company or full supply chain.