Codes and Standards

EPA releases WaterSense draft specification for flushometer-valve toilets

Dec. 23, 2014

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's WaterSense program has released a draft specification for water-efficient flushometer-valve toilets. After the specification is finalized, EPA anticipates that each WaterSense labeled flushometer-valve toilet model will have the potential to save more than 5,400 gallons of water per year. That translates into more than $1,000 savings over the lifetime of the toilet.

Flushometer-valve toilets are typically found in commercial, institutional, or industrial restrooms. These types of toilets have two main components—the toilet bowl and the flushometer valve.

Like all WaterSense labeled products, flushometer-valve toilets will be independently certified. EPA's draft specification sets the maximum flush volume for WaterSense labeled flushometer-valve models at 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf), which is 20% less water than the federal standard.

EPA estimates that about 28%, or 7.6 million, of the 27 million flushometer-valve toilets currently installed across the country flush at volumes higher than the federal standard of 1.6 gpf—some as much as 3 to 7 gpf. If all old, inefficient commercial flushometer-valve toilets were replaced with WaterSense labeled models, it would save more than 41 billion gallons of water per year nationwide, EPA estimates.


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