Jeff Koos began his career in the metal building industry when he joined Star Building Systems’ marketing department in 1985 after earning a double Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Advertising from Oklahoma State University.  He was involved in all aspects of the companies’ marketing and advertising as well meetings and training.  He left the company in 1997, but returned in 2005 when he accepted the challenge to head up the department.

How To Identify A Metal Building

How to identify a metal building

Once upon a time, all metal buildings pretty much looked the same. The original metal buildings—also known as pre-engineered buildings—were strictly utilitarian boxes available...
Oct. 9, 2015

Think you can recognize a metal building from the outside?

It’s getting more and more difficult to spot a metal building these days. What looks like brick, stucco or wood on the outside could actually be a metal building in disguise. ...
Oct. 13, 2014

Contractors survey reveals improving construction market

The construction industry is on the road to recovery, according to results of the 33rd annual contractors survey conducted by Metal Construction News.
May 27, 2014
Blog Post History

Reflecting on job number 61-001

Job number 61-001 changed everything. It was sold in 1961, a year of change for the nation and for Star. By January, John F. Kennedy would be president. By the end of the year...
April 8, 2014