

Articles & News

Modern Linear Brick

Modern Linear Brick

Architectural Linear Series Brick (ALSB) is a high quality, calcium silicate masonry product suitable for exterior and interior applications. ALSB features a unique distressed...
Oct. 16, 2024
111 Le Roy Street ny alsb Obsidian 600x400 (1)

Unique architectural brick delivers a premium look and feel

Arriscraft’s calcium silicate brick features a natural, fine grain that is distinct from clay brick and allows for unique finishing. Architectural Linear Series Brick offers an...
May 11, 2022
Arriscraft Inset (1)

ARRIS-clip Thin Stone: a popular choice for prestige projects

This award-winning building at Utah State University features ARRIS-clip thin stone which offers an incredibly high-performance and visually stunning exterior. ARRIS-clip, like...
Feb. 17, 2021
Shadow Stone

Shadow Stone® Building Stone Offers Distinct Style

A stunning ledgestone, Shadow Stone® adds unique character. Arriscraft’s calcium silicate stone products provide the aesthetic and strength benefits of quarried stone, but with...
Feb. 18, 2020