
3D Laser Scanning Accuracy - When is Close Enough, Close Enough?

Sept. 28, 2017

Defining accuracy for documentation of existing conditions seems simple enough. It is fairly common to hear one say "I need one quarter inch accuracy." However, what does this really mean, and how can you validate whether that accuracy has been achieved? More importantly, is one quarter inch considered a high accuracy, or a low accuracy? After all, Risk is nothing more than measurable uncertainty.

We will look at the struggles and issues surrounding risk, as well as why it is important to define what accuracy means. Learn how working with a proper accuracy specification can reduce your risk and what you can do to validate the accuracies being specified so as to ensure compliance with the contract requirements.

Finally, you'll see a real-life example of how a project with a poorly written accuracy specification went south and what you can do to avoid the Risk of Being Too Accurate.

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