
Gensler | Apr 15, 2024

3 ways the most innovative companies work differently

Gensler’s pre-pandemic workplace research reinforced that great workplace design drives creativity and innovation. Using six performance indicators, we're able to view workers’ perceptions of the quality of innovation, creativity, and leadership in an employee’s organization.

Gensler | Mar 13, 2024

Trends to watch shaping the future of ESG

Gensler’s Climate Action & Sustainability Services Leaders Anthony Brower, Juliette Morgan, and Kirsten Ritchie discuss trends shaping the future of environmental, social, and governance (ESG).

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A global design firm with more than 5,000 practitioners networked across five continents, Gensler features insights and opinions of architects and designers on how design innovation makes cities more livable, work smarter, and leisure more engaging. Our contributors write about projects of every scale, from refreshing a retailer’s brand to planning a new urban district, all the while explaining how great design can optimize business performance and human potential. For more thought leadership and blog content, visit our Research & Insight page. Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
