
AIA CES class: Sealant repairs that last – hybrid sealants for building restoration

April 3, 2013

It is hard to talk about restoration without talking about sustainability. This 2-hour interactive online course discusses the role that restoration can and does play in the arena of sustainability, and specifically the role that sealants play in sustainable design and repair.

We don't often think about sealants as being sustainable because they don't appear to be very "green." Most people equate the "greenness" of a product with water based technology. That is a mistake. The process to make polymer for water based materials is not very pretty and the assumption that water based materials can meet the performance requirements is not necessarily accurate. The litmus test for the "greenness" of a material should include the in service performance of the material. Balanced with performance properties, materials with a long service life
contribute to sustainable buildings.

By the end of this course, you will understand, if you do not already, there is more to a sustainable material than VOC and that high performance materials like hybrid sealants play a significant role in creating sustainable repairs.


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