
Game Changers | Feb 5, 2016

Asia’s modular miracle

A prefab construction company in China built a 57-story tower in 19 days. Here’s how they did it.  

Game Changers | Feb 5, 2016

Tesla: Battery storage is not just about electric vehicles

With his $5 billion, 13.6 million-sf Gigafactory, Tesla’s Elon Musk seeks to change the economics of battery energy storage, forever. 

BIM and Information Technology | Jan 27, 2016

Seeing double: Dassault Systèmes creating Virtual Singapore that mirrors the real world

The virtual city will be used to help predict the outcomes of and possible issues with various scenarios.

3D Printing | Jan 25, 2016

Architecture students create new method for 3D printing concrete

The team's Fossilized project allows for structures that are more varied and volumetric than other forms so far achieved.
