Codes and Standards

Persistent flooding having economic impact on coastal cities

March 5, 2019

Persistent flooding from high tides and minor storms are damaging economies in some coastal cities including Atlantic City and Annapolis.

In Annapolis, Maryland’s capital, eight flood-affected downtown businesses missed out on 3,000 customer visits in 2017, according to a study by Stanford University researchers. The losses amounted to between $86,000 and $172,000, the study says.

The report highlights the fact that flooding doesn’t have to be tsunami-like from giant storms to damage local economies. Lesser amounts of water surging from storm drains and gutters is having a notable impact, even though these flooding events don’t make national headlines.

Minor floods reduce customer visits to local businesses by about 40% compared with a normal day, the study says. Moderate floods diminish them by up to 65%, and major floods by nearly 90%. Given that one foot of water is enough to float some cars, and another foot will sweep even heavy ones off their wheels, these findings are not surprising.

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